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国际化是影响和塑造高等教育并使其能够应对21世纪人才培养目标的主要力量之一。中外合作办学模式已逐渐成为我国高等教育国际化的重要途径。文章结合赴美访问学者的亲身经历,从人才培养目标与课程体系、教学特点、实践活动与职业生涯考虑等方面,探讨了发达国家高等教育人才培养模式,为我国中外合作办学条件下国际化人才培养模式的构建提供借鉴。  相似文献   
基于投资者对投资财富和风险的偏好研究碳期权定价模型。运用λ-可加模糊测度表示投资者对碳期权价值模糊度量的差异性,借助Choquet期望积分构建投资者的期望收益效用函数;根据投资财富效用最大化推导无约束条件下碳期权的最优价;结合现实约束条件,构建投资财富效用最大化下的碳期权定价模型;通过数值计算分析效用函数、模糊参数和现实约束对碳期权定价的影响。研究结果表明:效用函数的选择会体现投资者对碳期权投资风险态度的变化,模糊测度参数的取值能够反映碳期权投资者个体的主观情绪和市场信息获取程度,现实约束会迫使碳期权投资者放弃部分投资隐含价值。  相似文献   
当前各地区高校新校区纷纷创建和启用,高校楼宇和道路命名日益受到学校的重视?高校楼宇和道路命名是大学校园文化建设的有机组成部分,体现了大学的精神传承和文化自觉,丰富了立德树人根本使命的教育表现形式?高校在楼宇和道路命名中应做到三个统一,即历史传统与时代精神的统一,大学精神与办学特色的统一,科学理性与人文关怀的统一?在实施过程中坚持民主集中制原则,力求命名工作经得起历史时间的考验?  相似文献   
世界电影业正在重新洗牌,好莱坞一家独大的格局即将终结,宝莱坞、华莱坞等并存的世界电影多极态势开始形成。华莱坞电影业的发展繁荣是对大中华地区整体力量崛起的自然反映。作为世界第二大电影市场,华莱坞拥有飞速发展的丰富资源,拥有改变世界电影格局、推进文化输出、重塑国家形象的巨大力量。华莱坞电影界及其学界必须奋起直追,在制片、发行、播映以及营销等方面形成一整套同世界接轨的运营模式;电影业在继承和革新中华传统文化的基础上,探寻同世界接轨的共通价值和独有模型。华莱坞试图追赶和超越好莱坞,目的并不是一定要取代它的位置,而是与各国共同努力不断丰富世界电影艺术,着力建设一个文化多元化的世界,通过电影的形式促进世界文化的多极化和世界电影的繁荣与发展。  相似文献   
依据海德格尔关于技术“两面性”、“中立性”、“座架性”、“原理性”观点和“生态学”、“现象学”阐释,确认现代职业教育应进一步扩大受众,加强技术伦理、职业道德教育等,不断提升学生的综合素质;既要让学生掌握静止的技术,还要促进技术的创新与发展;依据外部环境设置专业,使学生所学与市场需求相吻合,做到因材施教、学以致用;加强“双师型”教师队伍建设,强化实践教学,让学生真正掌握技术、运用技术、发展技术.  相似文献   
唐五代著名的笔记小说《唐摭言》专述有唐一代之科举之人事,有丰富的史料价值。但此书成书时间历来所论不一,本文试以《唐摭言》文本为据,在有关前人论述的基础上再详加考述,初步推定为南汉大有初或大有中王定保任宁远节度使期间所撰。  相似文献   
The rural Minimum Living Standard Guarantee (Dibao) Scheme is the most important social assistance programme in rural China. However, how the rural Dibao programme affects household expenditures and whether it can enable the poor to escape the poverty trap are questions that remain largely unexplored. This study used data from the 2012 Rural Household Survey in China to investigate the impact of the rural Dibao programme on household expenditures. We found that the programme significantly improved the well‐being of low‐income households. Particularly, the programme significantly increased household expenditures on housing, education and health; furthermore, the impact was greater for households with educated household heads. However, the programme did not significantly affect household expenditures on food, transportation or farming inputs. The results imply that participation in the rural Dibao programme induces household investment in human capital, which could help to break the inter‐generational transmission of poverty and raise long‐run welfare.  相似文献   
The benchmark dose (BMD) approach has gained acceptance as a valuable risk assessment tool, but risk assessors still face significant challenges associated with selecting an appropriate BMD/BMDL estimate from the results of a set of acceptable dose‐response models. Current approaches do not explicitly address model uncertainty, and there is an existing need to more fully inform health risk assessors in this regard. In this study, a Bayesian model averaging (BMA) BMD estimation method taking model uncertainty into account is proposed as an alternative to current BMD estimation approaches for continuous data. Using the “hybrid” method proposed by Crump, two strategies of BMA, including both “maximum likelihood estimation based” and “Markov Chain Monte Carlo based” methods, are first applied as a demonstration to calculate model averaged BMD estimates from real continuous dose‐response data. The outcomes from the example data sets examined suggest that the BMA BMD estimates have higher reliability than the estimates from the individual models with highest posterior weight in terms of higher BMDL and smaller 90th percentile intervals. In addition, a simulation study is performed to evaluate the accuracy of the BMA BMD estimator. The results from the simulation study recommend that the BMA BMD estimates have smaller bias than the BMDs selected using other criteria. To further validate the BMA method, some technical issues, including the selection of models and the use of bootstrap methods for BMDL derivation, need further investigation over a more extensive, representative set of dose‐response data.  相似文献   
本文旨在介绍和评述越南本土人类学的发展与特点,并以观察人类学这一西方学科在越南的本土化历程,增进对越南社会的认识.作者通过探讨族群、乡村、社会发展与城市化、生态环境等四大研究主题,来回顾越南人类学的发展脉络,厘清越南本土人类学的发展简史.同时,揭示出越南学界在新世纪面对复杂的全球政治、文明格局时研究旨趣的转向.越南本土人类学的特点还在于,其基于地方社会、文化多样性的研究在拉近地方与国家的距离中发挥了重要作用.  相似文献   
邵龙宝 《兰州学刊》2012,(9):9-12,17
所谓中国模式、中国奇迹,从表象来看是中国经济发展的奇迹,实际上其背后的支撑是中国政治制度的优势。中国经济奇迹的秘密在于我们的政治制度的有效性和优越性,他能组织和调动起八千多万党员和13亿人民的积极性和创造性;能为现代化目标做出长远规划,且能在动态中加以调整;能确保改革开放在和谐稳定的环境中逐步推进;有足够的组织上的激励去执行和维护经济发展的战略;能推动国家和社会的良性互动;为各级地方政府间互相竞争提供可持续的学习和创新平台;在面对国际国内危机时善于化危机为机遇。  相似文献   
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